When you make your class into a child class of Murmex, you automatically inherit all the properties and methods from the parent. While Murmex can run independently, you need to implement only a minimal amount of methods and set only a few parameters to have the minimal design running.
Setting up the project and class
- Create a LabVIEW project.
- Create a new Class.
- Save all, such that you get the following order:
- Add to the project, but not to the class, a Test.vi.
- In the Test.vi add a Murmex method (this is to preload the classes).
E.g. add a method by selecting in the Block Diagram >> Right mouse click menu >> Addons >> Distrio >> Murmex >> Murmex >> Send data.

- Now that the Murmex class is loaded in the memory, you can set the inheritance. Go to your class properties.
- General Settings >> Edit icon >> Icon Text. Give here your class name.
- Documentation >> Localized name >> Give here the short name of your class (just remove the “.lvclass”).
- Inheritance >> Change Inheritance >> Select Murmex.lvclass
- Go to your project >> Right mouse click on your class >> New >> VI for override >> Select all methods that have an asterisk >> Ok
- Initially just save the newly created methods and close them.